Security Knowledge through the Independent Risk Assessment

Is Ignorance Truly Bliss In Regards To Security?

Many directors, board members or those in upper management do not always want to be aware of the truth regarding the company’s actual security status.

One reason for this is that people view security as expenditure rather than an investment – which it should rightfully be.

One such business owner, upon the presentation of the final Security Risk Assessment report which revealed and detailed all the vulnerabilities and weaknesses within his system, exclaimed: “Now that I know and have this security knowledge, I have to do something about it! It can no longer be ignored.”

It’s essential to understand that security isn’t just hardware or your security system but also includes elements like control and information.Security is knowledge. Security is management, control and willpower.

The Security Risk Assessment will assist you in making your company as crime resistant as possible. You will have the necessary security knowledge in terms of crime and solutions in a living document and detailed report.

The Security Knowledge You Need

Security knowledge_Physical Security Survey And Assessment_Alwinco security risk assessment_crime preventionAlthough it could be considered by some within the corporate sphere that ignorance is bliss, what would happen if security was not efficiently addressed and the company was targeted by criminal attack? Would the same be true if the company lost valuable equipment and even data as a result of crime? What if an employee of yours was gunned down during such an emergency incident? Insurance may cover the costs of physical asset loss but can never replace a life – be it a spouse, a parent, a sibling or friend. The independent Security Risk Assessment will provide you with all the necessary security knowledge to prevent crime from occurring in the workplace. Without an assessment in hand, your company does not have security. You will receive security knowledge on crime, the opportunity for crime, and vulnerabilities and risks within your current security status. Further security knowledge is provided in terms of solutions to best protect and secure your property.

The Impact of Health & Safety

One contributing factor to this situation is that legislation governs Health & Safety in South Africa, while security remains unregulated. In other words, the law strictly prohibits workplace accidents such as falling and breaking your leg.

In such cases, the company holds liability and responsibility. However, if an armed criminal shoots you during an attack, the company does not hold liability. Health & Safety and security also find themselves in opposition at times. For example, the Health & Safety Officer prioritizes easy back door access during a fire. While the Security Manager prefers it locked to prevent unauthorized entry.

Although the examples I have used are simple to explain my point, it still does give food for thought. Consider the fact that as South Africa we are blesses. We are not as prone to natural disasters as other countries in the world. Yet the biggest disaster we need to face is actually crime. This includes not just robberies or hijackings but also strikes, where individuals engage in violence and destruction with a ‘mob mentality’.

Many professionals believe that the security knowledge in the Security Risk Assessment is crucial for effective disaster and emergency planning and management.

Would you still choose ignorance, knowing safety could have prevented or mitigated most incidents if security failed? Gain control through the Independent Security Risk Assessment, which provides you with the necessary security knowledge, information, and recommendations.

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Written by Andre Mundell

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